On Anxiety
Visualizing Happy Places
I lay here worrying about tomorrow, about the future, about this one report I need to complete... I am thinking so much that I can't get my mind to relax so I can get some sleep. I mindlessly scroll on social media but it only makes me more nervous..
Does this sound like you?
You aren't alone in your struggles with anxiety. Several of us live so much in the future that we forget to live in the present moment.
Take a nice deep breath. And ground yourself in this moment.. Now you're only thought should be reading these words.. Feeling the mouse or touch screen on your device... Now pay attention to the sounds.. My cat is licking her paws.. What sounds do you hear? I have quickly brought myself to this moment and this moment only.. Letti….
I was asleep before I could finish my words, my thoughts. I basically “let go” of everything and decided to be grounded in that moment, in the words I was typing, my breathing, the sounds and smells around me. And I was able to let go of the day and of tomorrow.
You can also use mindful breathing apps to help you ground yourself after a long day. Happy to discuss how I control my anxiety and help you with yours.