On our kids... Generation Z and A
I know as parents we have all been wondering what is actually going on with our kids. They are always on a screen, always online, addicted to Roblox (or another game of their choice). They play video games while watching how to play them on YouTube. They have headphones on and are talking to online friends that mean a whole lot to them than any in-person people. They are living their lives online. Dating, friendships, entertainment, and even school; everything is online.
As we, parents and aunts and uncles, continue to ponder where we went wrong, we must take a trip down memory lane. Our parents complained that we were spending too much time watching TV and playing Super Nintendo. Their criticism anyways was that we did not go out to play as much while they were always outside playing with the neighborhood kids. TVs were a luxury when they were growing up, well according to the generations before anyways. They were probably right. Each generation has their thing, which the previous generations complain about. How many complaints did we hear about the millennials? We can definitely learn work-life balance even more from Generation Z. Some of the things these incredible kids and young adults are doing is amazing to me!
So let’s accept that our children are going to spend a lot of time on screen. They will grow up on the World Wide Web. And to ensure their safety, continue to monitor their activities. Lock them out of their phones and other electronic devices at an appropriate time. Assign chores and have them complete their homework before they can get online. Enroll them in sports and take the time to play board games or do other offline activities with them. You’re doing a great job at being a parent.
And, if you are still in distress, you can always reach out to me or make an appointment with us. We can evaluate and assess the issues and come up with a game plan together.