Community Acupuncture

Community-style acupuncture is a relaxing and accessible way to experience the healing benefits of acupuncture in a group setting. During a session, clients are treated in a shared, comfortable space, often in recliners or on chairs, fully clothed. This approach fosters a sense of connection and allows for individualized care at an affordable rate.

Using hair-thin needles placed at strategic points on the body, acupuncture helps restore balance, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. Community-style sessions are ideal for addressing stress, fatigue, chronic pain, and other health concerns while enjoying the calming energy of a group environment.

Experience the power of acupuncture in a supportive and welcoming setting!


• 1st Saturdays: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

• 3rd Wednesdays: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm


  • Price: $65 per person

  • Pre-registration required.